Our next meeting is on Tuesday 28 May at the Clayton Hotel Sligo from 12.30pm to 2.00pm.  Members Aileen Slein will give us our Wellness Tip and Olga Klofac,  economist turned photographer will talk to us about Personal Branding. We will have our usual tech tip section, and an hour of member networking (which will fly by as usual!).

Our venue this month is the Pegasus Room in the Clayton Hotel, Sligo. Light lunch will be provided. The meeting starts at 12.30pm sharp, with registration open and lunch served from 12.15pm.  We’ll conclude at 2.00pm sharp. Pre-boooking is essential.

Have you  registered on our members directory yet? Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this resource. It only takes a few minutes, and is a really important part of our network. Remember you don’t have to own a business to register, this directory is for our individual members, whatever their business status.  Of course, if you have a business, you are welcome to register that too.

Book for May Event HERE.

Feedback for May Event HERE

Slide from May Event HERE: SWIBN May 28 2024 slide deck PP

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