Sligo Women in Business Network

SWIBN is a community of female entrepreneurs and women in business. We bring together women in different stages of business development, from start-up to expansion. Our monthly meetings combine high profile speakers, entrepreneurs with real stories of business creation, as well as interactive workshops and networking activities. If you’re interested in finding out more, then register with the Members Directory for free, check news section and come to our next meeting.

SWIBN is open to any women doing business from or in County Sligo. Meetings take place on the last Tuesday of each month and alternate between breakfast, lunch and evening times.  See our news page for details.

Networking Events | Business Growth | Personal Development | Peer to Peer Mentoring


We run regular events once a month. Click the link to view, register and join us!

Members Directory

Some of our members are listed on our business directory. Click the link to find or add your business.