UPDATE: Following Dr. Valerie Mc Taggart’s presentaton, she has sent on her slides. Click here to view: SWIBN Slides ATU

We are delighted to offer you Unlock Business Growth,  a free workshop at ATU Sligo for SWIBN members on Wednesday 1 November. The 90 minute event will help you  gain a better understanding of how to optimize your existing processes. This improves efficiency and creates opportunities for business growth.


Great acknowledgment for our Network, is that the workshop will be delivered by  Dr. Valerie Mc Taggart Head of the Department of Business at ATU (Atlantic Technological University) Sligo, as a result of networking with SWIBN.

This is an in-person event in ATU Sligo, Room D1002 (located towards the rear of the University, building nearest N16/Clarion Road junction).

Wednesday November 1, Time 6.30pm-8.00pm
Refreshments served from 6.00pm-6.30pm

For all businesses, it’s essential to take a thoughtful look at your current operations. This involves examining your existing processes to discover ways to enhance them. During this workshop, Valerie will delve into the intricacies of your current business processes and discuss the challenges that may arise during the process of refinement. She will also explore how to tap into your in-house tech skills to make these improvements possible.

Book your Free place  here :




For member’s yet to book National Women’s Enterprise Day – Empowering Business Together, on Thursday October 19, invest the time in yourself and come and celebrate with us.

You can book here. Please note that the booking will close on October 13, so if you or someone you know plans to join us, please secure your place and book today.

The bus will be departing from Coach Park on Connaughton Road (rear of The Model) at 4.30pm. Send Shona an email on: sheffernan@sligococo.ie if you have made other arrangements to get to Lough Eske and do not need the bus.


The day will inspire, motivate and empower women across the country in running their own businesses. To mark the occasion, LEO Offices in Sligo, Leitrim and Donegal have invited SWIBN members  to attend a special  Empowering Business Together event, in  Lough Eske Castle, County Donegal. A bus will leave Sligo at 4.30pm and return at 10.30pm.  There is a cost of €10 that covers bus, admission to  the event and refreshments.


Guest speaker will be Norah Casey, introduced by host Anna Geary and followed by a panel discussion with Áine Faughnan (Dromod Boxty), Isobel Sangha (Donegal Natural Soap) and Helen Mulholland (Lough Gill Distillery).

Along with these speakers offering multi-faceted perspectives on a range of businesses, the evening will be an opportunity for networking and even a bit of informal socialising.

Don’t forget to book here.



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