Sustainability – What You Can Do

With energy costs increasing, inflation impacting on supply chains and consumers becoming more cost conscious, every business is seeking to reduce costs. But where to start? A sustainability expert can help you identify ways to reduce costs, improve green credentials and stay competitive.

Sustainability needs to be ingrained deeply into organisations – whatever their size.

Whether you are at planning stage, a sole trader, an SME or bigger, sustainability  is relevant to you.

Niall Kiernan, Managing Director at Global Green, will join our next meeting to share his expertise.

It’s our first breakfast meeting, based on member requests to vary our times. Note the venue for this month too.


  • Date: Tuesday 28 February
  • Time: 9.30am – 11.00am
  • Venue:  Avalon Centre, Chapel Street Sligo, F91 RF78

The detail:

  • 9.30     Register and informal networking. Light breakfast served
  • 9.45     Welcome, wellness and tech tips of the month
  • 9.50     Sustainability – What You Can Do.
  • Interactive presentation with Niall Kiernan from Global Green Sustainability, including questions and answers
  • 10.30   Informal networking
  • 11.00   Meeting ends

Global Green Sustainability is an Irish based Technical Services Firm which helps customers save money, improve productivity and increase compliance. Niall will talk to us about green marketing, sustainability and the carbon footprint in our businesses.  Big or small;  retail, operations, or manufacture he’ll have practical tips and suggestions that will help you make sustainable approaches a habit professionally and domestically.



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