Meet Our Amazing Team

As women with first-hand experience running businesses based in Sligo, we are acutely aware of the diverse network of women who do business in Sligo across a range of sectors. SWIBN provides an opportunity for these entrepreneurs and start-ups, to meet and share their extensive body of knowledge and contacts in an atmosphere of mutual support.

SWIBN is co-facilitated by Fran Best and Maeve McCormack, supported by LEO Sligo.

Maeve McCormack

SWIBN Facilitator

I’m  a writer, facilitator and networker based in County Sligo. I’m self-employed, but regularly collaborate with business associates in delivering projects. I started attending SWIBN meetings in the early 2000’s. While much has changed since then, from a work perspective, the spirit of professional support and camaraderie in SWIBN has never ceased. Each month I co-facilitate  a SWIBN meeting with Fran Best, I come away uplifted by the knowledge  that has been shared among members.

I’ve been living in Sligo since 1992, when I arrived as Executive Director of the Hawks Well Theatre, and managed the transition to the 350 seat venue it is today.  

Since 1977, I’ve run my own consultancy providing: planning, mentoring training, evaluation,  corporate writing, appraisal public relations and public consultation services regionally and nationally. Clients come to me from SMEs, semi-state bodies, local authorities and private industry.  Separate form this, I pursue my written career and have had short stories, essays and poetry published in a range of journals.

Landing in Sligo in 1992 completely change the direct my life and career was taking, and I am grateful for that. There is no better place to live, and no better people to work with.

Fran Best

SWIBN Facilitator

Fran is a native from North-Sligo and enjoys spending time outdoors in the beautiful Lissadell and surrounding areas with family and friends. To switch off, Fran likes to walk, hike, jog, spin and takes time mindfulness through pilates. Fran’s most rewarding job is being a mom, to the beautiful Bella.

With over twenty years of leadership experience, Fran has held prominent roles as a Country Manager and Regional Manager across diverse sectors within the Irish retail industry, operating within Northern European and U.K. districts.

Fran is internationally accredited as a Senior Practitioner in Leadership Coaching, business mentoring and enjoys working with clients across, Communications, Craft & Design, Government agencies, Engineering, Entertainment, Hospitality, Pharmaceutical, Publishing, Manufacturing, Medical Technology, Retail and Tech sectors.

Fran is approachable and empowers client’s to get their ideas from their head into a clear plan. Fran helps people to unlock their strengths and make sustainable business changes. 

Fran is delighted to co-ordinate Sligo Women in Business and is also a business mentor and trainer for Sligo Local Enterprise Office, along with counties Leitrim, Mayo and Longford. Fran also provides training for Sligo Chamber, Skillnet

Shona Heffernan

Sligo Local Enterprise Office

Shona Heffernan is Business Advisor with the Local Enterprise Office, Sligo and SWIBN’s point of contact with the LEO.

She has worked in Business and Community Development in County Sligo for over 20 years working with SMEs and Social Enterprises. A Sligo native, Shona is passionate about developing the enterprise ecosystem for Sligo businesses to grow and thrive in.

Landline: 071 9114412

Mobile: 086 3800669 


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