What a lineup!  As our next two meetings are happening in quick succession, here is a remdiner of both: 

February Meeting date, time booking: Tuesday 27 FEbruary from 12.30pm -2.00-pm , National Surf Centre, Strandhill. You can book HERE.

March Meeting date, time , booking:  Celebrating International Women’s Day, Friday 8 March 12.30pm to 2.00pm at City Hall, Sligo. You can book HERE.


Details of February Meeting: 

The meeting will be co-hosted by MSLETB. Our packed schedule consists of:

  1. Arrive, sign in, grab some lunch
  2. Welcome, news, tech tip
  3. Wellness tip from Amy Mulvaney
  4. Guest speaker:  Louise Dennison O’Shaughnessy
  5. Networking and conclusion

The meeting will be co-hosted with the Employer Training Office of the Mayo Sligo Leitrim Education and Training Board. Some of our members have already availed of their excellent free training so you will hear all about that. The are also bringing guest speaker, Louise Dennison O’Shaughnessy who will talk about Wellness in the Workplace, focusing on:

  • Confidence and Resilience
  • Women supporting Women
  • Peri and Menopause
  • Female Staff Retention
  • Self-Care

Book HERE for February.

Details of March Meeting:


Take time out to celebrate your achievements with the Sligo Women In Business Network and together let’s celebrate International Women’s day 2024. Plan your time now for our lunch time event from 12:30-2pm, with registration from 12:15pm.

The event will include:

  • Panel conversation, knowledge sharing followed by interactive questions.
  • Lunch with relaxed interactive networking.

What a panel we have lined up for you, with a powerful cross-section of business women in Sligo:

·  Funké Egberongbe – Funké Afro-Caribbean Restaurant

·  Lucia Macari – Beyond (formerly Overstock) / Bed Bath & Beyond

·  Martina Hamilton – Hamilton Jewellery Design / The Cat and The Moon

Our meeting will inspire Women to fulfil their potential and support others to do the same. There is a particular emphasis on ‘Inclusion’ this year and we’d like to look at it from the perspective of including your own voice and power as a woman in business and society and supporting others to be included too.

Take the time out for you, come meet the amazing women that make up this network, connect and support one another. Feel free to share and bring a friend.

This is a free event, funded with thanks to Sligo Local Enterprise Office.
Book Here : SWIBN: International Women’s Day – Local Enterprise Office – Sligo

See you soon!

Maeve McCormack and Fran Best

SWIBN Co-Ordinators

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