After spending a decade and a half as a successful sales and marketing manager,  Niamh quit her job… with no plan B.
Nine months later she became a mum and with this major life change, by slowing down, refocusing, and then being landed with a major health scare, Niamh found herself questioning everything in her life. She realised that life is too short to be working at something that didn’t give her purpose and meaning. This lead her to retrain with the Irish Life coach Institute, which gave her a Diploma in Personal, Business & Executive Coaching.
Niamh has since set up her own coaching business where she offers clients a safe confidential space to move forward in their lives with more balance & purpose.

Celine is a life coach accrediated with QQI Training Delivery & Evulation.

Together with certification with Tony Robbins & Jack Canfield both leaders in the field of Personal Growth & Development.

Celine’s life experiences & her passionate nature are components of how she accomadates one to a contented state of mind.

Improved sleep, silencing your destructive internal saboteur & more joyful moments are some of the positve ways reached through Celine’s simple effective & practical methods.

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Fran is a Trainer and Facilitator, Business Mentor and Leadership Coach. Fran is qualified as a accredited senior practitioner by the European mentoring and coaching council.

Fran is a business mentor for Sligo, Leitrim and Mayo Local Enterprise Office’s.

CEO at Lissawell Coaching and training.

Co-ordinator of Sligo Women in Business Network SWIBN 2023/2024.

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