What We Do

Sligo Women in Business is a not for profit network supported by LEO Sligo and is open to any women doing business from or in County Sligo. The network is free to join and offers networking events,  peer to peer mentoring, and direction on where to go for a range of business and training development opportunities.

Members include:

  • Women entrepreneurs and founders
  • Women who already have their own business or are thinking about  setting one
  • up at  some stage in the future
  • Women working in established organisations
  • Women who are interested in and a supporter of Women in Business in Sligo

Joining SWIBN is a way to  build your contacts and interact with other women with connections to all sorts of businesses. As a group, we utilise our joint strengths to share knowledge and supports. We meet once a month, usually on the last Tuesday of each month.

SWIBN acknowledges the significant contribution of women in the North West in economic and social terms. The network is an opportunity to share the extensive body of knowledge, support and contacts of these women in an atmosphere of mutual support. Outside of monthly meetings, SWIBN has a communications network that members can access at any time through our Member Directory and social media channels.

We encourage women to attend network meetings as often as they can. You can’t beat face to face for initial contact for mutual support and exchange of professional experiences. In our experience, contacts made, or snippets of conversations had, can evolve into something further with the passage of time. This could be as simple as buying an item or service from another member, or getting advice informal advice from someone with more experience than you. That’s where the network kicks in once again, if you are a member you have access to all the other vetted members, all of whom have joined with an understanding of the mutual support nature of this network.