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Is this your first event? *
How long are you in business?
Do you give permission for SWIBN to include you in group photography of our events for promotional purposes? *


Date: Tuesday 30 April

Time: 9.30am – 11.00am

Venue: Avalon Centre, Chapel Street, Sligo.


Mary Bruen will talk about Sligo INTREO Supports, specifically work placement and experience programmes.

Val Robus will share Wellness moments with us.

We will have an hour of facilitated networking, one to one and in groups.


Maximise your networking opportunities:


a. Decide what contact details you want to share, personal or professional (they may or may not be the same).

b. If you are sharing details via Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, make sure you have the app downloaded on your phone and you are logged in. This makes it much less fiddly at the meeting.

c. If you prefer a more manual system, make sure to bring your business card, promotional leaflet or a written copy of your name/email/phone number.

d. Make sure you have registered on our Members Directory in advance, this allows access to all your details in one digital location.

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