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It’s that time already – time to book for our summer social here.

Our venue for the evening is the Airport Café, Strandhill. Thank you Ashleigh!

The Detail: 

Sligo Women in Business Network Annual Summer Social

Tuesday 29 August 2023

7pm – 8.30pm

Extra option: Come for 6.00ppm and stroll to the beach with us. Our member Nollaig McKeogh has offered to facilitate  a Mindful Zen walk to the beach.

We will have light bites, tea coffee and a bar service will also be available to purchase non-alcohol or alcohol beverages. Check out your local bus link timetable where applicable.

Please bring along and welcome any new members, share with a friend that couldn’t make it to the last few meetings, together let’s chat through the events of the summer and take time out for productive women in business to socially Network, share a problem or just listen and relax and support one another.

The evening will be very informal, just a chance to chat, be social and celebrate the end of summer. If you have a musical instrument, or a singing or recital voice, do feel free to bring it along!

If you haven’t already joined our private LinkedIn Group or Facebook groups, don’t forget. This will give you access to all our members enabling you to contact them.

Meetings for the rest of the year:

  • Tuesday 26 September Social  Media with Debbie Woodward,  9.30am – 11.00am, The Model, The Mall, Sligo
  • Thursday 19 October National Women’s Enterprise Day, 5:00pm – 9:00pm, Lough Eske Castle, Donegal
  • Tuesday 28 November  Co -hosted by Europe Direct Sligo 12.30pm – 2.00pm
  • Tuesday 12 December   7pm -10:00pm   Christmas Social

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